How to buy an access NFT

reserved for members of the Mysterious Work Club Foundation?

(2 minutes)

go to the payment link

2.Sign the message to Continue:

3.Authorize connection on your wallet:

4.Select the collection (A) you want and click next (B):

5.Choose your payment method (example of payment with cryptocurrency):

6.Click on “Pay using crypto”:

7.Confirm payment to your wallet:

8.The current mint may take a few moments; you can see its progress on the block explorer:

9.Get the notification of "Successfully minted NFT", before clicking on "go check", let's make your NFT visible in your wallet by clicking on "Open keychain":

10.Connect your wallet:

11.Confirm the connection request on your wallet;

12.Find your Nft (loading may take a moment), click on it:

13.Remember your Token ID, you will be asked after:

14.Click on "Options":

15.Click on “Add to my crypto wallet”:

16.Click on “Add token”:

17.Your NFT is probably listed in the tokens, click on it:

18.A window opens and detects that it is an NFT, click on “Yes”:

19.Your NFT will be listed in your NFTs portfolio:

20.And gain access to our members-only Discord server: